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The Hall of Fame

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Mar and Mary's mate 1992 Pete Springate.
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Picture Credit: Terry Hearn
Venue: Wraysbury 1

    Mary, One of the most talked about names in Carp fishing, At one point Mary was The New British Record Caught by Terry Hearn
in 1996 turning the scales to a eye whopping 55LB 13oz. Mary was atually a Male
Despite the name.

Mary's Mate
Picture Credit: Jon McAllister, Pete Soringate
Venue: Wraysbury 1

    Mary's Mate, Bill Keal a local angler is thought to helped introduce this incredible carp in to Wraysbury 1, At 120 acres holding at the time just 20 Carp any catch 
from the big pit was a huge achievement and for Jon McAllister a 41LB 4oz dream was a dream come true.
                  It does not end there the Legendary Carp angler Pete Soringate made history banking Mary and Mary's mate in a brace ( pictured below ),

Yes that's right, Mary and Mary's mate in one picture! what a brace shot..



Picture Credit: Jon Mac
Venue: Conningbrook

    Two-Tone, Let's start this by saying Two-Tone was one monster of a carp, having held the British Record more than once, Reaching a peak weight of 67LB 8oz which held the Britsh
Record for many years. Beautiful and huge well sought after carp.

Causeway fish

Picture Credit: Glynn Gomersall, Terry Hearn
Venue: Causeway Lake


Causeway Fish, This Fishes story starts with Glynn Gomersall in 2002,
Walking round a deserted Berkshire pit after hearing stories of some seriously
big carp hiding in the weedy depths.     When you hear about a possible 45LBer living down in the depths you have to investigate, So Glynn Had spent the previous two years doing exactly this. Just as Glynn was starting to think the mystery fish was just a myth it became reality, Glynn told Angling Times: “I was sitting on the bank, having a rest. It was one of the most barren spots on the entire pit, one I’d passed millions of times without giving it a second glance, Then the waves died back, and as I stared into the lake I realised that the big, pale shape of a fish was drifting through the water, right at my feet.
 I broke up a few boilies and tossed them into the water. The fish upended, and started munching.” 
The Mythical Creature did exist and, well the rest is history.

Heather The Leather

Picture Credit:Robin Dix
Venue: Yately, Car Park 

    Heather The Leather, One of Nine original fish that grew to be 
extremely loved and sought after by many anglers, Robin Dix as pictured landed Heather in 1986 
at 41lb 12oz. A true and very big Leather carp!. Heathers largest weight was 52lb,
Sadly Heather was found dead at the edge of the lake in June 2010, This would of made Heather a to be 50 years of age. Heather was burried by anglers close to the lake with a headstone.

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The Black Mirror

Picture Credit: Terry Hearn
Venue:  Colne Mere

    The Black Mirror, Believed to be the first man to catch the beautiful Black Mirror from The Mere was Jason Hayward. At the time of Jasons capture
the country contained very few Forty-pound carp. When this unknown 46lb fish was caught by Terry Hearn
it soon became his all-time Favourite fish.

The Black Mirror has one hell of a story behind it, i suggest you read and or watch Dave Lane on his capture of The Black Mirror because its one hell of a ride.

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Burghfield Common

Picture Credit: Dave Lane First Picture and Scott Lloyd 
Venue: Burghfield

    Burghfield Common, A 60lb+ fish in 90-acres of water, yeah this is not an easy fish to catch. The number of times
this fish has seen the bank is only double figers. Scott Lloyd, was fortunate to see this grace the bank 
at a mind blowing 62lb 8oz.

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The Parrot

Picture Credit: Terry Hearn
Venue: Wasing

    The Parrot, Breaking the British Record with a confirmed
weight of 68Lb 1oz which beat the previous record of Two-Tone.. Sadly The Parrot 
died in 2017 with many thinking if it hadn't, It would of hit the 70lb mark. Measuring
4ft long and 68lb This carp was truly Enormous.

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Picture Credit: Richard Walker
Venue: Redmire

    Clarissa, In September of 1952 Clarissa was caught and named by Richard Walker. Originally the name was Ravioli but is more commonly known now by the name Clarissa. At the time this would of being a British Record with a weight of 44lb but in 1952 to claim the British Record this would of meant the fish would have to be killed, something that Richard Walker was not prepared to do. The carp from Redmire Pool then spent the rest of its days in London Zoo'z aquarium. 

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The Eye

There is no stocking record The Eye, The first recorded capture was Pete Springate in September 1990 at 35lb 12oz. The Eye got is name for two reasons, Firstly the lake is situated next to a small island on the river that The Hamlet of Sonning Eye was named after. Secondly the fish had a large, bulbous eye on one side of its head.

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