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Perch & Deadbaiting

It's a well known fact that static deadbaits have a much higher chance of hooking into those specimens, whether that be Pike, Perch or Zander.

I have to admit I've not really done much deadbaiting for perch yet but most of my friends do so heres what they have to say..

Why deads and what deads?

Short answer? it usually targets the bigger fish! As for what i use it's normally small roach from the local tackle shop.

It's very much similar to your Article called 'Perch & Worms', Overcast conditions seem to work best for me and even a little drizzle, Try finding a few baitfish rolling on the top because there will be some greedy specimen close by!.

Perch hate high light conditions, it makes everything too much effort for them The fish spot them easily which means perch have to give chase to get a meal, it makes them harder to hide, easier to spot. Low light conditions are perfect. One method i did try last year with great rewards was twitched sprat, Very simple rig. Size 4 hook going threw the top lip of the sprat and a few shot 3-4inch from the hook! yeah, it's that simple.

My best advice is to get out on the water and try different methods, you will soon notice what works for you. Don't forget the simple Twitched sprat! it's highly effective and could not be any more simple!

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