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The Mighty Chub!

Chub are great sport to catch, they can put up a decent fight and yes, they can get big. If you have fished for chub before you'll know just how greedy they can be. I remember a particular session I had Targeting big carp, My alarm went screaming off and I hooked into a fish I could tell it wasn't a carp and as it went over the net cord the biggest chub I had caught at 4lb, by no means is this a monster but it was a good size back then. This was the day I learnt how greedy they was not only did this fish take a 18mm snowman but when I unhooked it I noticed my worst fear, inside its mouth was a huge toad.. and yes if you're wondering frogs/toads are by biggest fear in life, why? Well I once stood on one by mistake and I have never heard anything literally scream as loud as this frog did........Anyway back to Chub!

Rivers can produce some very very big Chub, The best way I have found is to use a simple Maggot feeder but I cant forget a cheese paste!

Effective Baits:


Cheese Paste




As most predatory fish, they can be found in places of cover with slack water, undercut banks and weed beds, As with Perch, Chub favor low light conditions. When dusk arrives this is when they leave cover to search for food..

Don't be afraid to introduce bait, as mentioned earlier Chub are very greedy and will eat practically as much as you put in. A good choice is when you arrive at the chosen river, have a walk around and pre-bait some swims for later that day, more often than not this will produce the biggest fish. Pre-baiting and leaving the swim to rest gives the fish confidence and by the time you fish it they are there and they are ready!

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